Student Recruitment & Admissions 2017

Making a Distinctive Offer

Thursday 18th May 2017

Grange Holborn Hotel, 50-60 Southampton Row, London, WC1

Confirmed Speakers

Nora Ann Colton

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic), University of East London

Andrew Crisp

Chief Executive, CarringtonCrisp

Aaron Porter

Higher Education Consultant & Director of Insights, Hotcourses Group

Mike Boxall

Senior Adviser on Higher and Further Education, PA Consulting

Alexander Proudfoot

Chief Executive, Independent HE

Andréanne Orsier

Associate Director, YouthSight

Nicola Bennison

Partner, Eversheds Sutherland

David Boughey

Associate Dean (Education), University of Exeter Business School

Gordon McKenzie

Chief Executive, GuildHE

Mark Corver

Director of Analysis and Research, UCAS

What To Expect

Dr Benjamin Brabon – Online and Blended Learning Solutions

Event Supporter

TargetX is reimagining the student experience through student lifecycle solutions. Built on the Salesforce platform — TargetX offers comprehensive solutions for admissions and student success to help institutions meet their enrollment challenges and retention needs. Known for innovative technology and higher education expertise, TargetX has been a trusted technology provider for 18 years.

Purpose of the Conference

Universities and Higher Education colleges know that 2017 is an important year for patterns of student recruitment.

In a PA Consulting survey earlier this year 25% of Vice-Chancellors revealed they were concerned about the responsiveness of their institution to aggressive pricing and innovative offers from competitors.

Despite this harsh environment however there are still many opportunities to thrive and succeed for adaptable, nimble institutions that are willing to innovate and be responsive to students.

And the Chancellor of the Exchequer has added new opportunities in his budget through access to funding for part time students and doctoral students for 2018. Higher Education management teams looking to stay ahead of these developments should attend this event.

At this event you will

  • Hear up to date information on trends in the student marketplace
  • Insight into influences on student choice
  • Feedback on new offers being made to students
  • How to build commitment to attend
  • How important distinctiveness can be
  • Maintaining consistent online messages and images
  • The importance of your brand and reputation
  • Examine whether you have a strong differential offer
  • What students want – what makes them commit?
  • Matching alternative offers in the market place
  • Competition lessons from other sectors

Latest Speaker Profiles

Who Should Attend?

Vice-Chancellors  |  College Principals, Vice Principals and Chief Executives  |  Strategic Planning Managers  |  Content and Web Managers  |  Curriculum Development Professionals  |  Deans of Faculties  |  Heads of Departments  |  Graduate  |  Recruiters  |  Consultants  |  Schools Liaison Officers  |  Trade Associations  |  Online Student Recruitment Companies  |  HE PR Specialists  |  Internet HE Search Hosts  |  Marketing Consultancies Specialising in Education  |  Student CRM Companies

Directors and Managers of:

Marketing | Communications and Marketing | Communications and Public Relations | Enterprise and Business Development | Alumni | Outreach and Wider Participation | Development | External Relations | Student Recruitment | International Recruitment | Admissions | Finance