Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Practice and policy insight on the latest higher and further education developments

Expert analysis, innovative opinions, practical solutions

Education Feature Articles

It’s a wonderful time to be a manager – really!

This is a time of horror, a time of insurrection and a time of wonder. The Coronavirus continues to be a horror, but the crisis...

COVID-19 and Higher Education: Strategic Reflections

Professor Sir Steve Smith provides the first strategic reflections on the upheaval universities face caused by the COVID-19 crisis. He says the UK university sector...

The Education Studio is a discussion and management information channel for those involved in education management and professional delivery.

  • We have our own live discussion website with leading contributors.
  • We have our own unique video archive describing the origins of many of the key policies dominating post school education.
  • We have our own series of programmes and podcasts
  • We can be commissioned to record and distribute your information conferences and seminars in online video or podcast formats.

Through online studio programmes and up to date discussion of current policy and management issues we aim to bring wide detailed scrutiny about access to informed discussion to help decision education makers understand the context, the background and the choices to inform management action.

We create and run our own programmes and we record video and podcasts and distribute them to education decision makers.

We draw on the 20 years of marketing and data building for Neil Stewart Associates working in Further and Higher Education the huge Policy Review Video Catalogue of education speakers and government policy makers.

In 2020 we have a full programme of Podcasts and online TV programmes, seminars, briefings and full conferences.

Featured Video

Feature Article

Festival of Higher Education Podcast Resource Centre

The Independent Festival of Higher Education 2017
From the 28th to the 29th June 2017 The University of Buckingham hosted their annual Festival of Higher Education and for the first time the Education Studio was onsite at the event recording podcasts with speakers and filming interviews with participants. Higher Education’s most influential...

For Further Information

Paul Rushworth
Marketing & Business Development
The Education Studio
The Business Xchange Hub
Marco Polo House
3-5 Lansdowne Rd
Tel: 020 7324 4330