march, 2020
02mar9:30 am12:30 amFeaturedStudent Recruitment 2020Setting Standards
Event Details
Hosted by the Education Studio at Eversheds Sutherland, London where an expert panel of of practitioners map out for admissions and marketing managers,
Event Details
Hosted by the Education Studio at Eversheds Sutherland, London where an expert panel of of practitioners map out for admissions and marketing managers, legal advisors and HE organisations the new recruitment landscape and the forthcoming Review of Admission from OFS.
What are the legal and regulatory risks – how can we ensure best practice?
> Purchase your video boxset here
Speakers include:
- Edward Davison, Senior Policy Adviser to CEO and Chair, Office for Students
- Fiona Johnston, Director of Operations, UCAS
- Glynne Stanfield, Partner, Eversheds Sutherland
- Nicola Bennison, Partner, Eversheds Sutherland
- Mike Ratcliffe, Academic Registrar, Nottingham Trent University
- Kate Wicklow, Policy Manager, Guild HE
- Andrew Crisp, Founder, Carrington Crisp
- Alexander Proudfoot, Chief Executive, Independent HE
Topics this boxset explores include:
There is a mounting wave of public and press criticism, plus educational anxiety, and official reminders about recruitment practices, student progress and outcome. A concern that student choices are overly influenced by incentives and pressures not appropriate for key life choices.
- Setting out the regulatory and legal framework for Higher education student marketing and recruitment practices as they come under new media, regulatory and legal scrutiny.
- Addressing criticism of widespread practices including “unconditional offers”, ‘conditional unconditional offers’, bursaries, scholarships, fee discounts, advertising and marketing practices, accommodation promises, and other recruitment incentives as not being in the best interests of students.
- Understanding the role of the Office for Students and other regulatory bodies (CMA, OIA and ASA) in, advertising, competition, consumer right and trading standards as they are taking an increasing interest in student recruitment practices.
- How to reconcile demand for changes in recruitment practices with demands for better access, widening participation and other legitimate applications of such incentives and support packages for students.
- Reconciling these practices to the highly developed UCAS system for collectively managing student applications and how this is changing and evolving.
- Ensuring regulatory and legal best practice in giving advice, contracting and incentives by universities, student recruitment online sites and schools.
> Purchase your boxset here
Boxset Videos
Legal, honest and reputable offers to students
Promoting informed student choice
Understanding the regulatory landscape
Understanding the forthcoming OfS review of admissions
Keynote speakers:
- Edward Davison, Senior Policy Adviser to CEO and Chair , Office for Students
- Fiona Johnston, Director of Operations, UCAS
- Glynne Stanfield, Partner, Eversheds Sutherland
- Mike Ratcliffe, Academic Registrar, Nottingham Trent University
Regulating to “serve the student and the public interest”
The legitimate role of offers in a diversified student market
Student Experience is wider than academic options
- Nicola Bennison, Partner, Eversheds Sutherland
- Kate Wicklow, Policy Manager, Guild HE
- Alexander Proudfoot, CEO, Independent HE
- Andrew Crisp, Founder, Carrington Crisp
Who is this boxset for?
- Vice-Chancellors
- College Principals
- Admissions Deans
- Registrars
- University and College Secretaries
- Directors and Heads of Strategy
- Heads of learning and teaching.
- Directors and Heads of International Office
- Directors and Heads of Marketing
- Directors and Heads of Finance
- University & College Secretaries
- Student Unions Representatives
- Regulatory bodies
- Professional associations
- Education Charities and think tanks
- Schools and Teachers representatives
(Monday) 9:30 am - 12:30 am
Eversheds Sutherland, 1 Wood Street, London EC2V 7WS
Eversheds Sutherland, 1 Wood Street, London EC2V 7WS